Sans Top 20 Internet Security Attack Targets
The CIS Critical Security Controls are a The Controls are effective because they are derived from the most common attack patterns CSC 20 : Penetration Tests.
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Nov 16, 2006 Tweet This SANS has published the 2006 annual update to their list of the top 20 Internet security attach targets. From the Internet Storm Center.
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SANS has published the 2006 annual update to their list of the top 20 Internet security attach targets. From the Internet Storm Center: Published: 2006-11-15,
Last Updated: 2006-11-15 :39 UTC by Johannes Ullrich Version: 1
Today, the SANS Institute released an updated Top 20 Internet Security Attack Targets list.
This update reorganizes the list recognizing the new reality of operating system independent issues. Sections for cross-platform applications, network devices, policy and the overall issue of 0-day attacks where added.
The list has been released for the last 7 years. From the start, organizations like the FBI assisted in putting the list together. It is in particular useful if you have to set and defend priorities.
Here is the SANS Top 20:
Operating SystemsW1. Internet ExplorerW2. Windows LibrariesW3. Microsoft OfficeW4. Windows ServicesW5. Windows Configuration WeaknessesM1. Mac OS XU1. UNIX Configuration Weaknesses
Cross-Platform Applications
C1 Web ApplicationsC2. Database SoftwareC3. P2P File Sharing ApplicationsC4 Instant MessagingC5. Media PlayersC6. DNS ServersC7. Backup SoftwareC8. Security, Enterprise, and Directory Management ServersNetwork DevicesN1. VoIP Servers and PhonesN2. Network and Other Devices Common Configuration Weaknesses
Security Policy and PersonnelH1. Excessive User Rights and Unauthorized DevicesH2. Users Phishing/Spear Phishing
Special SectionZ1. Zero Day Attacks and Prevention Strategies.
2006 annual update sans top-20 internet security attack targets. Toggle The SANS Top-20 2006 is a consensus list of vulnerabilities that Internet Marketing.
SANS Top-20 Internet Security Attack Targets 2006 Annual Update Operating Systems W1. Internet Explorer W2. Windows Libraries W3. Microsoft Office.