Remove Acrobat 7 Serial

Have several copies of Acrobat Professional that were purchased previously, installed and activated. However there is no documentation of the serial numbers, the.

Formatting, manually remove the hover acrobat 10 serial sheets 7. For instance, has co-authored and Dreamweaver displays the first icon.


When you try to install Adobe Acrobat, the installer returns the error Invalid Serial Number and quits.


Do one or more of the following solutions:

Solution 1: Reenter the serial number.

Start the installer and use the number keys at the top of your keyboard not the keypad on the side of your keyboard to reenter the serial number exactly as it appears on the title page of the user guide, registration card, or CD-ROM holder included with the application. Make sure to use upper and lower case as they appear in the serial number, and do not insert any spaces.

Solution 2: Make sure that your serial number matches the product version.

Contact Adobe Customer Services at 1-800-833-6687 to make sure that you have a standard serial number for Acrobat 6.0


Acrobat 7.0 Standard

Acrobat 7.0 Professional, or Acrobat 3D.

Alternately, you can open the CD_Info.txt file on x: Customer Support where x: is the drive letter for your CD-ROM drive to determine what disk you have. For Example,

Acrobat 7.0 Professional Volume AOO :

CD Part Number: 90054604; 90054607

CD Description: Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional Windows English License

CD Build Date: Tue Dec 14 :05 2004

Acrobat 7.0 Professional Retail:

CD Part Number: 90054595CD Description: Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional Windows English Retail CD Build Date: Tue Dec 14 :09 2004

Acrobat 7.0 Standard Retail:

CD Part Number: 90054885

CD Description: Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Standard Windows English Retail

CD Build Date: Tue Dec 14 :19 2004

Acrobat 3D Retail:

CD Part Number: 90068555

CD Description: Adobe Acrobat 3D Version 7.0.7 Windows English/French/German Retail

CD Build Date: Fri Jan 20 :48 2006

Solution 3: Install Acrobat in a simplified mode.

Device drivers and software that load automatically with Windows for example, screen savers, virus-protection utilities can conflict with the Acrobat installer. To prevent conflict, reinstall Acrobat while Windows is in a simplified mode, which disables some nonstandard device drivers.

To install Acrobat in a simplified mode on Windows XP:

1. Insert the Acrobat CD into the CD-ROM drive.

2. Copy the Acrobat 6 or Acrobat 7 folder from the Acrobat CD to the desktop.

3. Disable startup items and restart Windows:

a. Choose Start Run.

b. Type


in the Open text box, and then press Enter.

c. Click the Services tab, click Hide All Microsoft Services, and then click Disable All.

d. Click the Startup tab, click Disable All, and then click OK.

e. In the System Configuration dialog box, click Restart.

f. In the Desktop dialog box, click OK to start Windows.

4. Start the Acrobat installer in the Acrobat 6 or Acrobat 7 folder, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

To install Acrobat in a simplified mode on Windows 98 Acrobat 6.0 only :

2. Copy the Acrobat 6 folder from the Acrobat CD to the desktop.

3. Disable startup items:

in the Open text box, and then click OK.

c. Click the General tab to start the System Configuration Utility.

d. Select Diagnostic Startup - Interactively Load Device Drivers And Software, and then click Apply.

e. Click OK, and then click Yes in the Systems Settings Change dialog box to restart Windows in Safe mode.

4. Select option 3, Safe Mode, from the Microsoft Windows 98 Startup Menu, and then press Enter.

5. Start the Acrobat installer in the Acrobat 6 folder, and then follow the on-screen instructions.


4: Make sure that only one Acrobat installation is running.

Make sure that only one session of setup.exe is running by checking the taskbar for multiple installer icons. If more than one installation session is running, close all open sessions, restart the computer, and reinstall Acrobat.

Solution 5: Delete temporary files.

Temporary files remaining from a previous installation of Acrobat or another application might cause a conflict with the Acrobat installer. These files are not needed after installation, so you can safely remove them. You may need to make hidden files visible for this procedure.

To show hidden files, hidden folders, and all file name extensions in Windows Explorer:

1. In Windows Explorer, choose Tools Folder Options.

2. Click the View tab in the Options dialog box.

3. Select Show Hidden Files And Folders.

4. Deselect Hide File Extensions For Known File Types.

5. Click OK.

To remove temporary files:

1. Choose Start Run.

2. Type


3. Delete all of the files in this folder.

Solution 6: Create a new administrator profile and install Acrobat. Windows 2000 and XP only


If you are a member of a domain, log into the domain as a different user, and then install Acrobat.

1. Choose Start Run, type


in the Open text box, and click OK.

2. Select the Users folder in the right pane, and then choose Action New User.

3. In the New User dialog box, type Administrator in the Description field, complete the remaining fields, and then click Close.

4. Right-click the newly created user and select Properties.

5. Select the Member Of tab and click the Add button.

6. Type


in the Enter the object names to select field, and click OK.

7. Click OK to close the User Properties window.


If creating a new user profile solves this problem, you may have a corrupt user profile. Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article on migrating corrupted user profiles to new user profiles on the Microsoft website at

. This information is provided as a courtesy only. Adobe Technical Support does not support migrating corrupted user profiles to new user profiles. For more information or help with this process contact your system manufacturer or Microsoft Corporation.

Solution 7: Install Acrobat from the command line.

To install Acrobat from the command line:

2. In the Open text box, type the following command line, where


is the drive letter for your CD-ROM drive:

-- For Adobe Acrobat 7 Standard:

msiexec /i x: Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Standard Acrostan.msi /qb ISX_SERIALNUMBER

serial number, including dashes

-- For Adobe Acrobat 7 Professional:

msiexec /i x: Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional Acropro.msi /qb ISX_SERIALNUMBER

-- For Adobe Acrobat 3D:

msiexec /i x: Adobe Acrobat 3D Acro3D.msi /qb ISX_SERIALNUMBER

Solution 8: Remove any installations in progress.


This procedure involves editing the Windows registry. Adobe doesn t provide support for editing the registry, which contains critical system and application information. Make sure to back up the registry before editing it. For more information about the registry, see the Windows documentation or contact Microsoft.

2. In the Open text box, type


, and click OK.

3. Open the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Installer

4. Delete the Inprogress key.

Background information

When you install Acrobat, you may encounter conflicts due to an incorrect serial number, previous incomplete installations, corrupted user profiles, or startup items that prevent Acrobat from installing. Eliminating these conflicts enables Acrobat to install correctly.

Related Documents.

Support Knowledgebase

remove acrobat 7 serial

Home; Support; Support Knowledgebase Error Invalid Serial Number when you try to install Acrobat 6.0, 7.0, or 3D on Windows Issue When you try to install Adobe.

Adobe recommends that you use the Adobe Acrobat 8 uninstaller in the Add/Remove Programs utility in Windows to remove Adobe Acrobat 8 from the computer. Occasionally, however, damaged files or a partial installation can prevent the Adobe Acrobat 8 uninstaller from working correctly. They can also cause the uninstaller to leave files or empty application folders on the system after the removal is performed. Sometimes, Adobe Acrobat 8 is missing from the Add/Remove Programs list. Or, you find that the installer only displays the Repair and Remove options when you try to install Adobe Acrobat 8.

Manually removing Adobe Acrobat 8 ensures that all files and folders are removed. These instructions are for removing Adobe Acrobat 8. If you have other/previous versions of Adobe applications installed, then be sure to remove only the files below that relate to Adobe Acrobat 8. These steps also remove any extra content for example, Goodies or Functional Content that you have installed with Adobe Acrobat 8. If you reinstall Adobe Acrobat 8, reinstall its extra content as well.

Note: It s likely that yours doesn t contain all of the files and folders listed in this document. If you do not find a listed file or folder on your system, you proceed to the next file or folder on the list.

Some of these procedures require you to locate hidden files and hidden folders. Some procedures require you to locate files by their full filenames, which include extensions for example, example_filename.ini. By default, Windows Explorer doesn t show hidden files, hidden folders, or filename extensions that it recognizes.

To show hidden files, hidden folders, and all filename extensions in Windows Explorer:

In Windows Explorer, choose Tools Folder Options.

Click the View tab in the Folder Options dialog box.

In Advanced Settings, select Show Hidden Files And Folders.

Deselect Hide Extensions For Known File Types.

The uninstaller is designed to remove everything installed by Adobe Acrobat 8. When you start Adobe Acrobat 8 for the first time, or when you modify the preferences, Acrobat sometimes creates new folders. To ensure the complete removal of all folder and files, proceed to Remove remaining folders and files for Adobe Acrobat 8 below after using the uninstaller.

Use the uninstaller:

Choose Start Control Panel.

Double click Add/Remove Programs.

Do one of the following: If you installed Adobe Acrobat 8 from the Adobe Acrobat 8 CD/DVD, then select Adobe Acrobat 8 and click Remove. Follow the onscreen instructions to remove Adobe Acrobat 8.If you installed Adobe Acrobat 8 from the Creative Suite CD/DVDs, then select Creative Suite and click Remove. Follow the onscreen instructions to remove the Adobe Acrobat 8 component.

Note: When you run the uninstaller, you are prompted to remove, keep, or transfer activation. If you plan to reinstall Adobe Acrobat 8 on the same machine, consider keeping your activation. However, after you complete the manual removal, it s likely that you ll have to reactivate Adobe Acrobat 8. If you plan to install Adobe Acrobat 8 on a different machine, transfer your activation.

Before proceeding with the following steps, Adobe highly recommends printing the directions. Restarting in Diagnostic or Safe mode typically disables Internet access.

Delete Adobe Acrobat Speed Launcher from Documents and Settings All Users Start Menu Programs Startup.

Enable diagnostic or Safe mode for Windows.

Choose Start Run, type msconfig in the Open textbox, and click OK.

Click the Startup tab and Services tab. Record all deselected items.

Click the General tab, and choose Diagnostic startup.

Click OK, and restart Windows.

Note: Upon restart, you are notified that the System Configuration Utility has changed the way that Windows starts up. Click OK, and when the System Configuration Utility appears click Cancel.


Right-click icons in the Notification Area called the System Tray in earlier versions of Windows to close or disable any startup items that are still active.

After completing all of the steps in this document reenabled startup items for Windows XP.

Type msconfig in the Run dialog box, and click OK.

Click the General tab, and choose Normal Startup.

Deselect any items that you wrote down in Step 3 of the previous section.

Click Apply, and restart Windows for the changes to take effect.

Note: Windows 2000 does not have the MSConfig utility for disabling start items. You can manually disable the items or obtain the MSConfig utility for Windows XP.

Click Start, and then click Shut Down.

Click Restart, and then click OK.

When you see the message, Please select the operating system to start, press F8.

Use the arrow keys to highlight the appropriate safe mode option, and then press Enter.

Use the arrow keys to highlight an operating system, and then press Enter.

Note: See the Microsoft website for additional information about this process.

After completing all of the steps in this document, reenable startup items for Windows 2000.

Give Administrators Full Control of the Acrobat 8 folder and replicate permissions down to child objects.

Click Start Run, type cmd, and click OK.

Type each of the bold command below and press enter:If any error messages are received after typing any of the below command, verify the command and try again.


cacls C: Program Files Adobe Acrobat 8.0 /T /E /C /G administrators:F

exit Important: Enter spaces between /T, /E, /C, and /G in the third line.

Acrobat registers many files with the operating system during the installation. To successfully remove the application, it;s necessary to remove these files. Registered files can be removed from the operating system with the shell is not running.

Press Ctrl Alt Delete and choose Task Manager.

On the Processes tab, select explorer.exe and choose End Process items on your desktop disappear.

Important:  Keep the Task Manager open during this process

Click Yes in the warning box.

Under Open, type cmd and click OK.

Minimize the Task Manager.

Type cd C: Program Files Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Acrobat Elements and press Enter.

Type del ContextMenu.dll and press Enter.

Type cd C: Program Files Common Files Adobe Acrobat ActiveX and press Enter.

Type del AcroIEHelper.dll and press Enter.

Type del AcroPDF.dll and press Enter.

Type del pdfshell.dll and press Enter.

Type exit and press Enter.

Maximize the Task Manager.

In Task Manager, choose File New Task.

Type explorer.exe and click OK. Your desktop reappears.

Back up any personal files you want to save from the following directories, and then remove the listed folders and files:

Program Files Adobe

Program Files Common Files Adobe

Program Files Common Files Macrovision Shared

Program Files Internet Explorer PLUGINS

Documents and Settings User Name Application Data Adobe

Documents and Settings All Users Application Data Adobe AcrobatDesignerAdobe PDFALM

Documents and Settings All Users Application Data FLEXnet

Documents and Settings All Users Desktop Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional.lnk

Documents and Settings All Users Start Menu Programs Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional.lnkAcrobat Distiller 8.lnkAdobe LiveCycle Designer 8.0.lnk

Windows system32 spool drivers w32x86 3 ADGELP.INIADPDF8.BPDADPDF8.PPDADREGP.DLLADUIGP.DLLPs5ui.dllPscript.hlpPSCRIPT.NTFPSCRIPT5.DLL

Windows system32 spool drivers w32x86 ADGelP.INIADPDF8.PPDADReGP.dllADUIGP.DLLPS5UI.DLLPSCRIPT.HLPpscript.ntfPSCRIPT5.DLL

Windows system32

Program Files Netscape Netscape Browser plugins

Remove the application registry keys from the registry, if they are available.

Note:  Log in to the computer as an Administrator to modify your registry.

Disclaimer: This procedure involves editing the Windows registry. Adobe doesn t support editing the registry, which contains critical system and application information. For information on the Windows Registry Editor, see the documentation for Windows or contact Microsoft Technical Support. It s likely that you do not have all of these files.

Important: Make a backup copy of the registry before you edit it.

Choose Start Run, and type regedit in the Open textbox; click OK.

Navigate to one of the registry keys listed below and select it in the left panel; it appears in the registry editor as a folder.

Choose Edit Delete. Click Yes in the Confirm Key Delete dialog box.

Repeat steps 1-3 as needed for any remaining registry entries.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Adobe Acrobat Distiller

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Adobe Acrobat Elements

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Adobe Adobe Acrobat

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Adobe Designer 8.0

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Adobe PDF Settings

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Adobe ALM AcrobatProfessional-8.0-ALL

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Adobe Acrobat Distiller

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Adobe Acrobat Elements

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Adobe Adobe Acrobat

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Adobe Repair Adobe Acrobat

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Adobe Designer 8.0

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Adobe PDF Admin Settings

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Adobe PDF Settings

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Installer UserData S-1-5-18 Products 68AB67CA330100007706000000000030

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000003

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Classes Installer Products 68AB67CA330100007706000000000030

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Classes Installer Features 68AB67CA330100007706000000000030

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Office Word Addins PDFMaker.OfficeAddin

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Office Excel Addins PDFMaker.OfficeAddin

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Office MS Project Addins PDFMaker.OfficeAddin

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Office Outlook Addins PDFMOutlook.PDFMOutlook

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Office PowerPoint Addins PDFMaker.OfficeAddin

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Office Publisher Addins PDFMaker.OfficeAddin

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Adobe Adobe Acrobat

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Internet Explorer Low Rights ElevationPolicy 191DA03B-FBE7-4579-B64D-273DC8358F1B

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Internet Explorer Low Rights ElevationPolicy 907131E3-3ECF-4027-B0EB-3324883441D1

Empty your Recycle Bin and restart your computer.

remove acrobat 7 serial remove acrobat 7 serial
  • Adobe recommends that you use the Adobe Acrobat 8 uninstaller in the Add/Remove Programs utility in Windows to remove Adobe Acrobat 8 from the computer.
  • Adobe recommends that you use the Adobe Acrobat 7.0 uninstaller in the Add/Remove Programs utility in Windows to remove Adobe Acrobat 7.0 from the computer.
  • How can you remove or replace a serial number for Adobe Acrobat 7. I have an image that I would like to add Adobe Acrobat to, but I can t find where to remove the.
remove acrobat 7 serial

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