Signs Crack User

How to Tell if Someone is on Crack Cocaine. Crack is a solid---as opposed to powdered---form of cocaine. Available as white or off-white rocks, crack cocaine is.

What is Crack Cocaine. According to the National Library of Medicine, crack cocaine is a rock form of cocaine that appears similar to broken white rocks.

  • Crack cocaine is highly addictive and is cheap to buy, according to an EduBook article on crack addiction. After the effects of this drug subside, the user.
  • Here are some signs and symptoms of crack use. Crack can be a hard drug to kick. Get help with crack addiction by calling a Narconon rehab specialist today.
  • Crack cocaine symptoms and warning signs. Signs of crack use are similar to those of cocaine use, except the high is even more intense and the effects last for a.

What Does a Crack Addict Look Like? | eHow

Signs of Crack Use: What a Person Should Look For signs crack user

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How to Tell if Someone is on Crack Cocaine

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How to Tell If Someone Is High on Crack Cocaine.

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Aug 16, 2013  You can learn how to tell if someone is using crack. Photo Credit Jupiterimages/ Images. Crack is a street drug that affects the.

What is Crack.

Crack is a form of cocaine so named because of the crackling noise it makes when the user heats it up to smoke it.

Also known as freebase, base, black rock, and rock. Crack is a purified form of cocaine that is even more potent and addictive than cocaine is.

Freebasing mixes the white powder of cocaine with baking soda and water, producing the off-white rocks known as crack. The term freebase also refers to the act of smoking crack.

As with cocaine, crack requires increasing amounts of the drug to get same high experienced during earlier use.

Terms like base crazies and chicken scratch are used to describe someone on their hands and knees scratching around for dropped crack or cocaine, further exemplifying the state of frenzy that can come from needing the drug.

Click here to learn more about the dangers of crack cocaine

Crack cocaine symptoms and warning signs

Signs of crack use are similar to those of cocaine use, except the high is even more intense and the effects last for a shorter duration. While a cocaine high can last up to 30 minutes, crack typically wears off in about five to 10. Smoking this purified form of cocaine sends the drug into the bloodstream more quickly than snorting a non-purified form.

Signs of Crack Use

Rapid speech

Loss of appetite

Skewed sleeping habits

Dilated pupils


Delusions irrational behavior

When a crack high wears off, the user can hit a low that matches the high in intensity. Mood swings, depression and fatigue are typical signs of someone coming down from the drug.

Increased crack use can result in an increase and change in symptoms. Instead of being on a happy high, the high can turn into a state of anxiety and irritability. Hostility, more severe bouts of paranoia and a complete personality transformation can accompany repeated use of crack. Extensive use can result in weight loss and even violence.

The Reality of Crack Addiction

As with many drug users who become increasingly dependent on a drug, crack abuse can lead to behaviors that would have been unthinkable in a sober state. Users may take to stealing money to feed their habit or selling off possessions for a fraction of what they are worth just to get their next high. Lying can become second nature.

The possibility of a crack overdose can be high, especially since crack can be taken intravenously or can be mixed with other substances to be smoked.

Crack on its own can also cause an overdose, resulting in an extremely rapid heartbeat, profuse sweating, a spike in blood pressure, and in the worst case scenarios, seizures, stroke and death.

Free 24/7 Crack Abuse Help: 1 561 404-1474

Let The Delray Recovery Center Help Today.

If you recognize these signs of crack use in a love one s life, you should call an addiction professional immediately. Our caring staff is highly trained and available for a free consultation to anyone affected by drug abuse today.

signs crack user