Coh Steam Patch

coh steam patch

Hello comrades, This weekend we have to show the reward tree that was supposed to come last week; this time is for the Ostheer faction and replaces the Army Elite.

  • My Steam installation automatically updated to the very latest patch and now EF no longer works it keeps crashing randomly at the early stages of the game.
  • Download the Modern Combat modification from this page. NOTE: To unlock Modern Combat factions, you must own the following: – Company of Heroes unlocks the US.
  • 100 Steam CoH Relaunch Compatible. We recently created a brand new installer that makes the entire installation process much easier and user-friendly.
  • December 3, 2015 Try new Company of Heroes 2 commanders for FREE for a full week. Alright soldiers, the December patch is live, and the new Commander free trial has.

Eastern Front Compatibility Patch for CoH 2.602 download

coh steam patch

If you don t want to play EF in the old 2.602 version, just avoid this patch.

Hello comrades,

Because you asked, here it is. Installing this patch will allow you to play the latest version of Eastern Front using the latest version 2.602 of the Company of Heroes game before was moved into Steam.

This patch is to be used with the following versions of the game:

Retail version patched up to 2.602.

Steam version of Company of Heroes.

Steam version of Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts.

Steam version of Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor.


Retail version patched with a version lower than 2.602.

New Steam version of Company of Heroes.


1 Get the latest version of Eastern Front mod and download any additional patches if necessary.

2 Download the installer from this page.

3 Run it, follow the instructions and make sure you are using the correct path.

4 PROFIT Play it as much as you want.


1 It won t affect the newest version of Company of Heroes on Steam unless you install it there.

2 Once the patch is installed, if you want to rollback you will need to reinstall Eastern Front.

3 Remember, this patch IS NOT for the new version of Company of Heroes on Steam.

4 ALWAYS install this patch at the end of the patching process, after all the regular patches have been installed.

Company of Heroes : Tales of Valor is the expansion to the Game of the Year winner and highest rated real time strategy franchise Company of Heroes.

Company of Heroes 2 had big, muddy, army issue boots to fill in 2013, and its Eastern Front campaign managed to be a worthy successor to Relic s original World War.

coh steam patch

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Eastern Front is a free mod for Company of Heroes. Following the ethos of mimicking a Relic Entertainment expansion pack, Eastern Front has succeeded in adding two.


Download the Modern Combat modification from this page.

NOTE: To unlock Modern Combat factions, you must own the following:

– Company of Heroes  unlocks the US Marine Corps.

– Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts  unlocks the US Army and PLA Ground Force.

– Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor  unlocks all factions.

UPDATE: It s come to our attention that attempting to play a Skirmish game without owning either the Opposing Fronts or Tales of Valor expansions will result in an  instant-win. To our knowledge, this only applies to players using the new Steam version of CoH.

If anybody can provide any more information on this then please make a post on our forums.

Download Full Version 1.019


1. Download the archive file to your computer. Install WinRAR if you don t have it


If you have a previous version of Modern Combat already installed, you ll need to do the following before proceeding:

1a. Open Modern Combat v1.019.rar the archive you just downloaded.

1b. Cut or copy Modern Combat Uninstaller.bat.

1c. Browse to your Company of Heroes Relaunch folder for example: C: Program Files x86 Steam steamapps common Company of Heroes Relaunch.

1d. Paste Modern Combat Uninstaller.bat inside. It s vital that you put this file in the right place, otherwise it won t work.

1e. Run Modern Combat Uninstaller.bat. This will uninstall any existing Modern Combat files and folders from your system. Please be patient; this may take a few minutes.

The following instructions assume that you ve successfully uninstalled any previous versions of the mod. If you haven t, and you continue regardless, then you may experience issues in-game and won t be compatible with other players online.

2. Right-click on Modern Combat v1.019.rar and select Extract files.

3. Enter your Company of Heroes Relaunch folder as the extraction destination directory for example, C: Program Files x86 Steam steamapps common Company of Heroes Relaunch.

4. Click OK.


1. Go to your ModernCombat folder located within your Company of Heroes root folder; for example,  C: Program Files x86 Steam steamapps common Company of Heroes Relaunch.

2. Click on either of the two. bat files packaged with the mod Modern Combat Launcher. bat or  Modern Combat Launcher Cheat Mode. bat.

For additional instructions on creating a desktop shortcut, see the subsection below.

NOTE: The old version of Company of Heroes v2.602 now is obsolete. The Quazal servers that Relic had been using have been shut down. Thus we, the Modern Combat Team, have transferred our mod to the new version of Company of Heroes v2.700.2.47 utilising the Steamworks servers. To learn more about the change please read Relic s community post here.

Instructions for transferring your game to the Steamworks servers:

1. Download and install Steam

2. Launch Steam create a Steam account if you don t already have one.

3. Sign into your Steam account.

4. Select Activate a Product On Steam from the Games menu.

5. Enter your Company of Heroes CD-Key f you don t have your original Company of Heroes CD-Key, you can use our Key Retrieval Tool located here:

6. Repeat for the Opposing Fronts and/or Tales of Valor expansion packs.

Once you ve completed the above steps you ll see Company of Heroes New Steam Version appear in your Steam Library. Install it, and then follow the Modern Combat installation instructions above.

If you want to install the most recent version of the mod, but only have access to the old 2.602 version of CoH, follow the installation instructions above but be aware that your CoH directory will be different to those given in the examples. An example of a typical v2.602 installation directory would be something like this instead: C: Program Files THQ Company of Heroes.

Also be aware that online play is no longer officially supported.

To create a Desktop shortcut:

Version 2.700.2.47  Steam :

1. Browse to your Company of Heroes Relaunch root folder  for example,  C: Program Files x86 Steam steamapps common Company of Heroes Relaunch.

2. Right-click on Modern Combat Launcher. bat or the Cheat Mode variant if you want and select  Copy.

3. On your desktop, right-click and select Paste shortcut.

Version 2.602 non-Steam :

1. Browse to your Company of Heroes root folder  for example,  C: Program Files THQ Company of Heroes.

2. Right-click on RelicCOH.exe and select  Copy.

4. Right-click on the shortcut and add the suffix -dev -mod ModernCombat   preceded  by a space to the target line. For example:  C: Program Files x86 Steam steamapps common Company of Heroes Relaunch RelicCOH.exe -dev -mod ModernCombat.

You now have a fully-functional shortcut. You can rename it if you want, or set it up with the custom Modern Combat icon provided to you:

Company of Heroes Relaunch ModernCombat coh-mc_shortcut_icon.ico

To enable Cheat Mode, launch the mod via the Modern Combat Launcher Cheat Mode. bat file provided to you. Cheat mode is intended for new players who want to familiarise themselves with the mod, or as a sandbox for playtesting and experimentation.

NOTE:  Launching Modern Combat with Cheat Mode enabled will disable all online multiplayer functionality. Cheat Mode functionality is disabled during  the singleplayer campaign mission.

Hotkey list:

Shift Control F1 Display Hotkey list

Shift Control F2 Squad Hotkey List of selected army

Shift Control F3 Ability Hotkey List of selected army

Shift Control F4 Entity Hotkey List of selected army

Shift Control F5 Revert chosen Commander Tree

Shift F1 Toggle FoW fog of war

Shift F2 Toggle Taskbar

Shift F3 Spawn all units of selected army

Shift F4 Toggle Instant Production

Shift F5 Toggle Instant Build

Shift F6 Toggle Instant Ability Recharge

Shift F7 Toggle AI

Shift F8 Toggle Selected AI

Shift F9 Change Atmosphere / Weather

Shift F10 Add Resources

Shift F11 Toggle Screensaver cinematic mode

Shift F12 Reload scripts for developers

Shift 0-9, A-Z Spawn Units of selected army

Shift Control 1-9, A-Z Spawn Abilities of selected army

Shift Alt 0-9, A-Z Spawn Entities of selected army

Shift Numpad 0 game speed x 0.125

Shift Numpad 1 game speed x 0.25

Shift Numpad 2 game speed x 0.5

Shift Numpad 3 game speed x 0.75

Shift Numpad 4 normal game speed

Shift Numpad 5 game speed x 1.25

Shift Numpad 6 game speed x 1.5

Shift Numpad 7 game speed x 2

Shift Numpad 8 game speed x 4

Shift Numpad 9 game speed x 8

Shift Spacebar Change Selected Army

Shift / Switch Control to other player

Shift Insert Change owner of selected units middle insert button only

Shift Delete Delete selection middle delete button only

Shift Toggle Weapon Auto Targeting of selected units or buildings

Shift . Toggle AI Lock selection

Shift ; Increase Veterancy selection

Shift Print Blueprint of selected unit

Shift Copy store selected squads or entity

Shift – Special Copy store entity at mouse cursor

Shift Paste spawn stored squads or entity

To uninstall Modern Combat:

1. Browse to your CoH root folder  for example,  C: Program Files x86 Steam steamapps common Company of Heroes Relaunch.

2. Run Modern Combat Uninstaller.bat be patient.  OR delete the ModernCombat folder, as well as all ModernCombat module files.